Friday, November 22, 2013

Pumpkin Porridge

Sometimes I struggle with breakfast.  I love big elaborate breakfasts but, just like everyone else in the world America, don't have time to make something new and exciting everyday. Still I do by best to switch it up from week to week so I don't get too bored or too burnt out on one thing (no more chia seed pudding, bla!).

Enter fall! All the allure of brilliant fruits and vegetables and the hustle and bustle of the weekly daily farmers markets has since passed - but the plethora of seasonable vegetables available is better than ever.  Maybe summer has the most freshness, but fall has the most flavor.  Spices are drying, citrus is turning, the squash are HUGE, the parsnips are finally done growing... and don't even get me going on my love affair with persimmons. It's all just lovely. Not even sure where I was going with that. Anyway.. this is what I've been eating for breakfast lately:

1 c cooked pumpkin, mashed
2 T almond meal
1 T flax seed, ground
1 t maple syrup
1/4 c almond milk

Occasionally I throw in some cinnamon, cardamom, or nutmeg for kick.  It's been tasty. It's been real.

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