Thursday, March 1, 2012

Coconut Macaroon Snacks

I tried to recreate these amazing but outrageously expensive pre packaged treats. Huge success!

3 c coconut flakes
1 c raw almonds
1/2 c "raw"cashews
1/2 c maple syrup or honey
1/4 c coconut oil
1/2 of a banana
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp salt

In a food processor (or a slap chopping device if you're really ambitious) obliterate the nuts, then add in coconut flakes and process until big flakes are essential gone. Put this aside in a large bowl. Blend the remaining ingredients to a mush. The coconut oil is easier to work with if you warm it to a semi-liquid.

Combine mush and obliterated pieces. Form one inch balls and refridgerate for an hour or so (this solidifies the coconut oil so the macaroons don't fall apart on their way to your mouth).

Enjoy! But not all at once.. I think two of these is 100% of your recommended daily saturated fat - I mean come on, it's coconut!

Note that you can substitute the cashews for more almonds and this recipe will be truly raw.  The processing of "raw" cashews actually involves heating them, so raw cashews don't actually exist (well they do but they aren't sold in stores since they are poisonous).

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